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Holistic Management - Your Success in Business

High effective Mindset und
Leadership training for entrepreneurs and Leader

My Vision: "The quality of your communication determines the quality of your life."


"He who knows others is wise, he who knows himself is enligthened." (LaoTsu) 

Markus Porcher Leadership Expert Berlin - Kudamm

2013 – My gamechanger: I deepened my knowledge of human nature when I began studying Chinese medicine. 

Afterwards, I perceived people in my professional (and private) environment more holistically. As a result, my personnel selection in the company became better. And executives benefited from the completely new approach in Talent and Executive Development. Following an Intense Coaching & Mentoring process Executives were able to progresss their career. And they did it with so much more ease.  

How did this happen? 

I asked myself why I kept reaching a glassier roof?

I thought I was already reflective. And I also proactively sought feedback from friends and acquaintances on a regular basis.

By combining established Western personality diagnostics with Chinese philosophy, what emerged for me was a holistic view of organizations, teams and individuals. 

And this went far beyond systemic and solution-oriented coaching.

I got to know a new frame of reference for myself. Many individual pieces came together like a jigsaw puzzle to form a complete view of people and organizations. Suddenly I understood much better how everything interacts, runs rhythmically and influences each other.

Today, the unique and brand new Daoflect program gives leaders the competitive edge to win the game in the business environment.

And it does so with joy, ease and secret knowledge that doctors have successfully known and applied for thousands of years.

By the year 2025, I want to have helped a mil.lion leaders discover the natural talents in a natural way – in themselves and others. And I want to help them nurture them and make them grow.

For a better society and working world.

How to release mental blocks and get back on track in 90 days?


The combination of Western personality diagnostics and Eastern philosophy of life is unique in this form.

The Daoflect program was created in 2018. Through my own transition into self-employment, I had the luxury to accompany the children in my second marriage from an early age. At the same time I was able to expand the unique approach to a holistic leadership approach and apply it extensively to hundreds of clients.

Today I accompany people who want a change and don’t know where to start.

Daoflect has become the extraordinary and unique approach for individual leadership coaching, business mentoring and in management consulting.

What works in the individual, works just as well in the big picture.

Erster Einblick in meine Arbeit

Congratulations. It is great that you have been landed here on my page.

After more than almost 25 years in the corporate environment, I went on sabbatical for two years, to take care of our youngest offspring.

Since 2019, I have been accompanying leaders and entrepreneurs in their change projects.

Because most of the time we hesitate too long to take the first step and after 3 years we tell ourselves why we didn’t dare to do it right away.

If you get involved with what you find on this site, I promise you a great, natural and holistic development.

Are you ready? Then let’s get started!

Was mich antreibt

Even at university, I wanted to revolutionize corporate executive education.

I read Western management literature and conducted countless interviews with leaders inside and outside IBM.

And yet something was missing from my rather numbers, data and facts oriented approach.

It would be almost 20 years before I could get closer to my original career aspirations.

In 2013, I began to study Chinese medicine and to incorporate the experiences that a doctor brings to his holistic conversations into my own leadership, my everyday leadership and the selection and development of leaders.

Mein Coaching Ansatz

Systemic coaching is based on the assumption that every person has the potential within him or herself to reflect and develop.

And secondly, the unique experiences and strengths are used to further develop your potentials and natural talents.

This is less about dealing with the past and more about looking for solutions for the present and the future.

Within the holistic approach from Chinese Personality Diagnostics, you are the focus and we will look very universally and individually at your sittiuation in the overall context.

Symptom and cause can be different and so we also include your private environment along your professional questions.

You decide how comprehensively.

A 360 feedback from people you selected can also be included. Feedback from vearious angles usually provide very valuable insights for your next development.


Individual Coachings
Over 0
Years leadership experience
Over 0

So geht es!

1:1 Coaching

Business Masterclass

Online Intensiv Workshops

The most exclusive success package.

We work highly individual and in a personal atmosphere on your business and/or private topics and goals.

Either half a day or a whole day, three months or even longer if required, so that the implementation is successful. 

You will have an absolute professional at your side. 

I will help you and you will successfully implement your project.  

The intensive business program over ten months that takes you in your task or business to where YOU want to be – and not others see you.

With a comprehensive offer from our Daoflect Academy in Berlin on the 4 topic blocks Business, Personality, Leadership and Mindset.

All your business success is nothing without health.

So the fifth topic is on health, energy, power taking

And all this as an individual 1:1 accompaniment.

Online intensive workshops on various topics.

Very intensive hours consisting of highly effective videos, exercises, reflections, one-on-one coaching and a supportive group. 

For a maximum clarity, energy, flow and concrete solutions and actions.

1:1 Coaching + Sparrings

1:1 Coaching
1/2 oder ganzer Tag

1:1 Coaching 3 Monate


  • 3 oder 6 Stunden Kompakt-Workshop Online oder in Berlin
  • 2 Follow-Up Einheiten nach 4 und 12 Wochen 
  • In 3 einfach nachzuvollziehenden Phasen bzw. 5 Stufen erhalten Sie Unterstützung in ihrem Vorhaben
  • Bei 6 Stunden VIP-Tag:

  • alle oberen Leistungen plus weiteres 3 Stunden Gespräch oder kombiniert mit Gesundheitscheck-Up oder Ernährungsberatung30 minuten 

  • 3 Monate + 2 Follow Up nach 4 und 12 Wochen  
  • alle 2 Wochen für 90 Minuten Online Begleitung (zoom) oder vor Ort in Berlin am Kudamm 
  • Klarheitsfindung, Ziele 
  • Blockadenlösung
  • Intensiver Prozess mit Reflektion, Ideen und Umsetzung  
  • E-Mail Kontakt zwischen den Sitzungen 
  • Bonus: Pre-/postcoaching Fragebögen 
  • Bonus: Daoflect Persönlichkeitstest
  • Bonus: Teilnahme an der Daoflect Akademie
  • Start im Februar bis Ende November des laufenden Jahres (optimal für Führungskräfte oder Unternehmer mit ambitionierten Zielen).   
  • 10 wirkungsvolle Monate Zeit mit 20 Coaching Sitzungen a 90 Minuten 
  • 1 zusätzlicher Tagesworkshop   
  • 30 Minuten Follow-Ups jeweils nach 12 Wochen, 6 Monaten und einem Jahr 

Only those who move themselves can also move others:

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