I offer my current and potential coaching clients with growing enthusiasm a short business coaching…

Is coaching something for cowards?
You admit to a challenge? – Fine.
Then you’re brave, aren’t you?
And you’ve already achieved a lot, right?
And you still want to accomplish more?
And you have made the experience that asking for help is not a weakness but a strength and will make you even more successful?
My coach once said to me: “If you are the weakest, slowest or most inexperienced in the room, then you will take the biggest step in your development!
Does that make sense to you? It’s good to have you here.”
What is coaching?
Coaching means something like “care” or “support”. The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as follows “Coaching is a partnership relationship with clients that encourages them to think about their personal and professional potential and helps them to make the best use of it through creative processes”.
Honest feedback is rare, not only for managers who are at the top. In a good coaching session, you are not always facing a nice and friendly conversation. It is a structured conversation that makes you think. It will help you shift your inner focus from personal or business problems to your real goal or dream.
You will be actively supported. You will create your individual solution in a trustful environment. You will experience an optimal support of your self-reflection. You discover new perspectives, develop your visions. From this you derive concrete actions – go for the solution.
An external coach can provide you with optimal support and enables you to gain a new perspective on your challenges
Consultants are commissioned on the basis of their special expertise. They examine processes in a company and recommend solutions for improvement. Coaching, on the other hand, is a discovery-oriented process in which managers and executives are supported in developing their own solutions and implementing them on their own responsibility. In coaching, you as a client are strengthened and supported in developing solutions yourself and not just implementing the solution recommended by a consultant. Through what you learn in coaching, you will often also expand your own action, social and problem-solving skills. This will also help you in the future to master newly arising challenges.
A mentor gives guidance in a specific area of career development based on his or her own experience. Although I also act as a coach mentor for prospective coaches and prepare my own coaching training concept for accreditation with ICF, I do not act as a mentor for my coaches. However, through my own network of personnel consultants and connections in the business world, I have the opportunity to provide you with helpful contacts for your personal situation and concerns.
Training programs are based on learning objectives that are defined in a curriculum or syllabus, e.g. in the context of leadership development.
My coaching is not based on a rigid curriculum, but is tailored to your individual needs and situation. Therefore our coaching agreement is also completely individual and flexible.
However, I also advise companies on the development of training programs and give lectures and key notes – these experiences are of course also incorporated into the coaching with you.
Coaching is solution and future-oriented, while therapy is more problem-oriented and usually deals with the past. Therapy aims at the conscious treatment of mental illness, psychological consequences of physical illness or problems of lifestyle. One of the results is an improved emotional state. It is important to me that we also have joy and fun in the coaching process. Positive feelings and emotions can also be a result of coaching. The primary focus is on developing quickly implementable strategies and achieving specific goals.
My experience as a coach, trainer & consultant for your effectiveness:
Over many years I have accompanied top professionals, managers and executives. Often they came to me with an original problem (or obstacle, pebbles in the way). It was always important to me to understand the big picture and to develop solutions against the background of a long-term goal.
Therefore you will be confronted with other questions when you come to me:
Do you know your dreams? What is important to you in life? Do you have an understanding for your values? What drives you?
Because: The development of top managers into visionary and exemplary leaders is a special concern of mine.
Internal leadership is THE prerequisite for external leadership. Only an inwardly clear and balanced employee (and I deliberately say EVERY employee here) is effective: in self-management, in clarity about oneself, in appreciative communication with customers, suppliers and all employees, but also with assistants and external staff. In my opinion, a manager has the responsibility to demand and promote this self-management.
My experience results from more than 25 years of HR and management experience in the global corporate context, but also from my own corporate management:
Coaching of corporate executives and managing directors worldwide
Conception and implementation of leadership seminars
Coaching within the framework of development programs for high potentials
Coaching in the context of n Low Performance Development Programs
Leadership coaching for junior managers
Career advice and support in times of professional reorientation (voluntary or involuntary)
Implementation and debriefing of personality tests (western and eastern diagnostic procedures)
Pre- and Onboarding of international executives in a new culture
Training of managers in their first management position
Advice for startup founders
Mediation in conflict situations in the team and in role conflicts of managers
Selection of top professionals and managers within the framework of personnel selection and personnel development programs.
Support in adapting to rapid changes, digitalisation and agility
Is this the right decision on how to counter the pressure to perform?
How can I find my balance and strength again quickly?
Is this personnel decision the right one for my team?
How can I negotiate my salary effectively?
What if I start something completely new in my life?
Should I give up my well-paid job?
What is my next career step?
Should I go abroad with my family?
Why do I want to become a manager?
You need a partner who will help you find clarity and answers. Act – NOW:
You want to know how powerful and effective coaching can be?
Do you want to know what new perspectives and possibilities are available for you?
You will have a first idea about how coaching can impact our effectiveness after a first meeting.
You will receive individual support. Therefore we decide together after a first contact how to proceed.
Call me at +49 1 52 53 63 73 52 or let me know your challenge: mp@markus-porcher.com.
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