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What you can learn from ancient Chinese Wisdom to boost you coaching, mentoring and leadership skills?

The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) is regularly sharing concepts, ideas, theories with their 5000+ community members to strengthen coaching and mentoring skills in their day-to-day activities.

On May 10 I have been able to run a virtual keynote at the EMCC community.

Click here to jump directly to the keynote!

Before starting my virtual keynote, I have been running under enormous pressure.

Just in the moment the hosts were introducing the topic and myself to the community I lost my internet connection.🙈

After 20 minutes, all sweaty I was able to reconnect and to provide an initial flavour of ancient wisdom.

Many thanks to Alina for sending messages reminding me to calm down and breathe. 

Exactly the right thing to do, when you are under pressure.😉

We had a wonderful exchange and covered a broad range of topics:

  • What are key Chinese Philosophies in regard to the Traditional Chinese Medicine?
  • To what extent can a snow globe provides insights into the concept of Yin and Yang.
  • Is a water drop Yin or Yang?
  • How is the macrocosm (our environment) reflected in human being (the microcosm)
  • What are the 5 elements?
  • How an understanding of the 5 elements encourages us to stay in balance: physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

More than 2500 years ago scholars theorised that the universe is composed of five forces: wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

We can balance ourselves better when we are aware about the 1 or 2 main elements in us.

Basically – if you even know your main element – you will have the answer to the age-old question of why you do what you do.

In addition – when we recognise the 1 or 2 key elements in others we will be in a position to understand the other better, form lasting connections, improve relationships, communicate better which results in profitable negotiation results.

You want to listen to the keynote?

Here is the link to our virtual keynote.   I was able to re-join around 23:10.  🙈 

In the first session we covered Yin and Yang and the 5 elements

And we wer looking into the element "Wood" in more detail.  

In the next 3 virtual keynote sessions we continue to explore how the knowledge can be applied Coaching and Mentoring. 

And we will look at the other 4 elements in more detail. Here are the dates:

  • Session 2 – Summer with Fire and Earth – July 5
  • Session 3 – Autumn with Metal – October 4
  • Session 4 – Winter with Water – January – 17

Come and join us! We are looking forward to meet you there. 

You want to receive a reminder?  Fill out the form and I will keep you posted.    

Deeper Insights: 

How can the concepts of Chinese wisdom  provide new and fresh ideas in our modern daily life and new work environment?

The 5 elements cover various aspects: efficacy of wood, the joy of fire, the compassion of earth, the wisdom of metal and the depth of water.

These universal concepts are applied in the seasons, monthly moon cycle (or even the menstruation), day and night and throughout a day.

Each element have a variety of aspects including energies, emotions, personal traits and much more. One of the very typical correspondence is the linkage to the seasons.

These concepts are much more obvious than everybody thinks.

With the world becoming even more busy and hurried, the understanding of personality differences has never been more important.

You know the seasons, their energies and impacts on your mood already.  Applying the 5 Elements concepts can be achieved with with ease, naturally and holistically in our daily lives.

How self-reflection increases your development!  

The results of in-depth self-reflection is like finding a code that will open the combination to the inner self of a person (or a team, organisation or even an enterprise).

Understanding your current state combined with the current state of your environment will provide deeper insights, what needs to be done to feel good, balanced and full of power.

As biology researchers points out. 

Don’t look at the cell itself.  

Also have a look at the environment of the cell. 

Sometimes it is better for a cell to move on and look for a different environment.  

For entrepreneurs being ready for a new approach to grow their business with a natural and holistic view. 

Do you want to cultivate your ability to make better decisions being more in-line with your natural organisational development status or reflecting your deepest desires and unique needs ?

Do you want to become more effective in your organisation, increase your productivity and gain a better business and private life.

A life you currently think is not possible?

Have you ever asked yourself the question why you are currently facing challenges in your organisational, leadership or personal development process?

Have you tried to look at it from a truly universal approach? Instead of focusing on a figures, facts and numbered based approach have you tried to add the underlying cosmological approaches and observations for an holistic view on the whole system?

What my clients learn in a short timeframe is that our nature is “unstoppable”.

The cosmological cycle moves on.


Between each season there is a period of transformation with maybe going back and forth.

You are not able to stop the process.

Summer goes and winter comes.

Maybe you have snow in April/May or hot days in November. But you know the transformation is going on – you are getting into summer or winter.

A lot of CEO’s and Managing Directors and career oriented leaders belief that it can be possible to jump in few seconds over a reflection and cultivation process.

They forget that resting and integration are not important.

As a marathonist and triathlete I needed to make longer breaks to get into the super compensation and a higher performance level.

So, when you are looking at your organisational set-up.

Which level have you achieved?

  • Do you hire (virtual) professionals to execute your ideas?
  • Have you started to establish team leaders to help you organising work packages?
  • Did you set-up an organisational leaders structure?
  • Are you thinking about buying / selling parts of the organisation?
  • Have you started to look for an CEO to be not available 24/7 for operational questions and decisions?

Look at your organisational status from a macrocosmos perspective.

When you look at your status form a macrocosmos perspective you will see immediately were your energy is currently not flowing and you are blocked in your environment. 

Stages you are potentially in:

  • Are you a start-up?
  • Have you started to build structures (or do have a self-organising structure?
  • Are you a family owned organisation doing since years the same? (And why should you change a winning team as everything is working as designed?)
  • Or do look intensively at all parts of the organization and are you looking at your your competencies intensively before deciding on stay or sell of certain parts of the business.
  • Or are you in a process to reinvent yourself and gaining initial ideas for a next development circle.

Cultivate your ability to make choices that are more in-step with your authentic nature — your unique needs and deepest desires — and your life gets better and better in ways you almost never thought possible.

As an entrepreneur, managing director, CEO you want to get deeper insights on the current state of your organization and apply universal concepts in a modern way with ease and high effectiveness in your environment.

Typical questions: Is it possible to reflect with the 5 Elements the unique status of your organisation, specific business unit or even individuals

You may be astonished.

I have applied this universal theory to various organisations in the business environment. From established companies, start-up’s, mid-sized companies, solopreneurs.

Within an intense one / two day workshop you can reflect your own status, identify the performance level, blockages and missing parts in your system. Besides the data driven analysis you are gaining additional insights as part of a comprehensive natural and holistic view to your organization.

With this analysis you will see immediately what element(s) currently is prevailing.

But also you can see which one is neglected or even missing.  

And how you can bring the system back into a state of effective working relationships for further growth.

You want to grow your business? And you want to use a new concept for the restart?   

  • An inspiring virtual or on-site keynote is maybe a start for a fresh new approach.
  • The keynote can be combined with a full day workshop (CEO, Managing Director itself or the leadership team).
  • As a next step you a 5 Elements assessments on individual level would be the next step to build a high performing team.

(Virtual)  Key Note

Half / Full Day Workshop

Individual 5 Elements Assessments

What do my clients achieve in 30 days?

  1. They reflect their current state using a modernised-ancient approach
  2. They define the next steps to ignite their organisation (or individually) with fresh ideas.
  3. They are creating initial actions item, a detailed step-by-step plan to start the transformative journey. The aim is to thrive again with the new idea, approach and strategy. As such we have to look at an organisation, team or individual.

You want to learn more about the transformation possible? Book a strategy call now with myself to explore how it could be applied to your unique situation:

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