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Do you want to become more successful? Do you want to grow personally and at the same time mobilize your Leadership teams too?

As an executive coach, public speaker and HR manager, I am actively involved in shaping change.

I will help you gaining new perspectives and discover further insights into your potential to grow further. My work is based on values and a long experience in the corporate environment, with a proven ability to grow top executives, expand leadership competencies and increase employee engagement by at least 10 points.


For C-level executives, corporate leaders, Top Executives with international responsibilities and leadership teams.
Development of a strong empathic and visionary leadership
Gain a new leadership understanding in the digital VUCA world
Generate new perspectives and decide with heart and mind

Those who want something, find ways, those who do not want, find reasons.

— Albert Camus

For medium and larger international companies with a focus on human resources – especially in units with a technical focus.
Bridging vacancies in HR management
Strategic reorientation and change of HR
Digitalization of programs, processes and business models in HR
Business Partnering International

My job is not to make it easy for people. My job is to make them better.

— Steve Jobs

Impulses for new ways of thinking and activation of success factors in times of digital change.
My 3 most popular lectures
“Take It Easy!” – How to stop getting ahead of yourself and effectively lead your teams to victory.
“Effective leadership with authenticity”.
“A rewarding outlook for the year – strategy workshops and annual get-together for your New Year’s reception.”

Words have no energy as long as they do not trigger a picture.

— Virginia Satir


born in 1968, married, lives with his family in Berlin.

Diploma in Business Economy and Computer Science, MBA degree, Certifications in Coaching, Mediation and Project Management

Executive Coaching
HR Transformation and Digitalisation
Leadership and Management
Public speeches
Start-up consultancy

For Your Success:

My overall understanding for your future:  You will achieve a change in business with up-to-date knowledge, refreshing thinking and innovative methods.

Effectiveness:  I will help to establish efficient HR tools and achieve effective results in your corporate context.

High acceptance:  I will apply different coaching approaches and agile methods of the design thinking process in the development of new solutions for your HR function and in the dialogue with executive teams and employees.

Many years of know-how:  My experience as a strategy consultant and executive in the national and international environment for your implementation success

Since 2018

Executive Coaching and HR Interims Management

2009 – 2017

International HR Management

Executive Coaching, Transformational Leadership Development
Strategic personnel and organizational development
Global project management in change and transformation projects to increase employee engagement

2000 – 2008

Local HR Leadership

Digitalization of HR programs, processes and business models.
HR transformation and establishment of a new Target Operating HR model.
Qualification & Coaching of HR Managers & Employees.
Lead Workforce Management with HR Reporting, Data Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Data Protection and Data Privacy.
Talent Management, Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding.
Project Management for M&A, transfer of operations according to §613a, Divestitures.

1992 – 2000

Strategy Consultant

Development of HR policies and programs
Systematic analysis of customer requirements and definition of HR value drivers
Creation of workforce transformation strategies
Design and implementation of innovative HR processes and organizational models
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“In Markus we secured a high caliber professional coach. His enthusiastic character, positive attitude and effective competence as an advisor inspired our executives for a long-term leadership development. He will be a big asset to any person who wishes an sparring partner to grow.”

SW Sales Executive, Europe

IT Company


You wish to strengthen your effectiveness. Contact me:

Markus Porcher
Executive Coach

+49 152 53 63 73 52
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