
The Daoflect questionnaire contains statements about various areas in your daily life. 

The questions cover different topics to perceive you in your diversity and wholeness. They reflect your attitudes, sensitivities and also how you react in certain situations. In principle, these questions could also be asked in one form or another by a doctor or therapist in a conversation.

The answers in the Daoflect questionnaire give a first impression of how you are “knitted”. 

The result is only as good as you honestly answer the questions for yourself. The questionnaire is for a fee and includes a free 20-minute follow-up conversation in which you can also ask a question in advance. And you will be given a first feedback based on your type.

In addition, you have the possibility of a comprehensive personality diagnosis. Please feel free to contact me.

More information

For each statement, you decide how it applies to you in your current situation.

A four-point scale is available. Please mark each question with a cross:


does not apply at all:

if you think the statement is incorrect or you do not agree with it in any case – or if the situation never occurs

is somewhat true:

if you think the statement is conditionally true or you agree with it conditionally – if the situation occurs rarely

applies for the most part:

if you think the statement is true or if you tend to agree with it – if the situation occurs frequently

is completely true:

if you consider the statement to be completely true or agree with it completely – if this situation occurs regularly and repeatedly

There are no wrong and right statements here.

As in nature, each phase has its own specific meaning.

It is important for you that you know your inclinations, talents, potentials.

Once you are in your “element” during your activities, you feel good and get into a special flow.

Therefore, try to answer the questions as honestly as possible.

You should be quiet and plan about 5 – 10 minutes.

You can only finish the questionnaire when you have answered all the questions.

The only thing that matters now is how you assess yourself and your personal circumstances. 

Take as much time as necessary to answer the questions. Nevertheless, you can also answer spontaneously. 

It is important that you answer the questions as you are and not as you would like to be. This would distort the result. 

Yon want to be different? Let’s take this up in the feedback session and see how you can develop your potential further.

The questionnaire is subject to a fee and includes a free 15-minute follow-up conversation in which you can also bring in advance a question that currently moves you very much. And I will give you a first feedback based on your type.

In addition, you have the possibility of a comprehensive personality diagnosis. 

Please feel free to contact me.